International Society for the Study of the Aging Male(ISSAM)

Endorsement Critera

ISSAM endorsement requirement for courses designed to train primary physicians in the basics of male health care,

(1) Any course that receives sponsorship from the Society must be designed to promote the concept of providing better health care for men which will improve the opportunity to age "healthily and with dignity".

(2) The course must not make unrealistic claims in terms of the training offered, and must not be designed to establish a separate specialty, but rather to support the existing specialties and interdisciplinary co-operation by means of improved awareness.

(4) The course teaching programme must be based on sound scientific principles and the programme, together with the faculty of lecturers and their abbreviated curricula vitae, should be submitted in detail to the Society in advance. The written endorsement of the Society must be given before the course can be held.

(5) The Society has prepared a curriculum statement indicating the areas that should be covered in an effective training programme (see attached). Any course endorsed by ISSAM should be reasonably consistent with this curriculum coverage.

(6) Any certification offered subsequent to the course should not state that the recipient is now a specialist in the subject. It is recognized that the purpose of training is to raise awareness in specialists of other key issues in men's health outside their own specialty and to improve the ability of primary-care providers to advise and direct patients towards the most suitable specialist treatment.

(7) The organizers of courses sponsored by ISSAM should not, therefore, certify anything more than that attendees "have participated in an ISSAM approved course on primary male health care".

(8) If attendees have taken and passed an internal examination, which has been certified by ISSAM, organizers may certify that the attendees "have successfully completed an ISSAM approved course on primary male health care".

N.B. At a later stage, when internationally supervised examinations are introduced, more specific certification will be appropriate for those who pass.

(9) The organizers may use the words: "Held under the auspices of the International Society for the Study of the Aging Male". The organizers should pay ISSAM Operations a royalty of 10% of the total income received from fees for registration and the leasing of exhibition space.

N.B. These criteria are subject to periodic review and revision by the Executive Committee of ISSAM

These criteria were prepared
by a special committee
appointed at the 3rd Annual General Meeting of the Society, Geneva, February 10th, 2000


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